Children are always welcome in our worship service, but we recognize that some parents prefer to have their young children taken care of while they focus on worshiping God. A nursery is always provided at our regular 10am Sunday service. Our staff are professional day care workers. Each Sunday a "Quiet Bag" and/or children's bulletin is prepared for your child should they choose to join us in the sanctuary. The nursery is temporarily closed due to COVID, however the room is still available to take an active toddler, or nurse an infant should you choose to do so.
Adult Faith Formation
There are a number of opportunities to grow and learn more about our faith. During the church year, St. Philip's offers teaching and discussion time in their various groups. The Adult Faith Formation Program is diverse and calls for the contributions of many different people. We welcome ideas and proposals for presentations and invite members of our parish, who have experience and/or expertise in areas relating to Adult Formation, to offer their time and talent in the presentation of topics of interest.
*Prayer Groups - The Order of the Daughters of the King (DOK) are prayer warriors that live a life of prayer and service. The Episcopal Church Women (ECW) holds a continuous electronic prayer chain that prays for members and non-members in need of extra assistance.
*Wednesday Evening Group - Adult Faith Formation is currently meeting at 6pm to discuss the book What is Anglicanism? by Urban T. Holmes III. This group is open to anyone in the community who wants to find out what being Anglican is all about.
Music during our worship services is a vital part of creating the sacred space needed to enter into the presence of God. We are always looking for those who feel the call to "make a joyful noise unto the Lord."
Practices are currently suspended but we hope to resume them soon.